Monday 20 May 2024

What Are The Benefits Of Solar Batteries?

A solar battery, as used in solar power. It is an electrical accumulator used in solar energy installations to store the electrical energy produced by a solar panel. Photovoltaic batteries are another name for them occasionally. Solar batteries are a great addition to solar energy systems because of their advantages. Solar Battery UAE retains the electrical energy produced when solar panels absorb more solar energy during the hours of highest solar radiation. Battery storage is not a feature of every photovoltaic system. Let's explore more about solar batteries.

 Energy Independence:

During the day, solar panels provide extra energy that solar batteries store for use at night or on cloudy days. This offers a steady power supply and lessens dependence on the grid.

·         Cost Savings:

Solar batteries can cut your energy bills dramatically if you store and use solar energy during peak electricity hours. This eventually results in significant savings, particularly in places with expensive electricity.

·         Backup Power:

When there is a power outage, solar batteries offer a dependable backup power supply that keeps necessary systems and appliances running. Particularly useful in areas where blackouts are common is this.

·         Environmental Benefits:

Solar batteries maximize renewable energy and reduce fossil fuel use. This lowers carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality.

Easy UPS Series

The three-phase Easy UPS 3M is a critical load protection and battery backup uninterruptible power supply (UPS) designed for manufacturing, healthcare, small and medium data centers, and other vital business applications. The Easy UPS Series, 3M series' power ranges are 50–100 kVA (208V) and 60–200 kVA (400V). 


Solar batteries improve solar panels' overall performance by storing and effectively managing energy. Accepting solar battery technology is a step toward more robust and sustainable energy sources. AES Trading LLC FZ helps you save money, manage how much energy you use, and give you extra power in case the main power goes out.

For more information, you can visit our website or call us at 050-4884364

Monday 6 May 2024

How Long Does An Exide Battery Typically Last In Solar Applications?

In the investment in solar energy systems, it is important to think about how long the batteries will last the power. Exide is a well-known company in making batteries and many people trust their products because they last long. 

In the area of using solar power, it is important to know how long an Exide Battery from AEST Energy can last. Let's look closely at this and find out the usual lifetime of an Exide Battery in systems powered by solar energy.

·         Factors influencing lifespan

Before we look into the exact figures, it is important to understand what affects how long an Exide Battery UAE lasts when used for solar purposes. These influences can change with how you use it, how well you take care of it, the weather and place conditions, and which kind of solar setup is involved.

·         Maintenance practices

To make an Exide Battery last longer in a solar system, it's important to do frequent upkeep. One should watch and adjust the voltage of each cell, look at the amount of electrolyte if it's a lead-acid battery, check that there is enough airflow around it, and clean the terminals so they don't rust or get dirty. 

·         Expected lifespan

When you consider these things, a Solar Battery UAE usually works for 3 to 10 years when used in solar systems. Lead-acid batteries cost less at first but do not last as long as lithium-ion ones. However, improved lithium-ion batteries provide longer durability and better functioning though they have a more expensive initial price.

For more information, you can visit our website or call us at 050-4884364

Thursday 18 April 2024

How To Choose A Battery

It is imperative to bear in mind that, regarding battery selection, no battery can be considered universally effective for all applications. To choose the optimal battery for a given application, it is necessary to define the most critical battery metrics and weigh them against others. The EasyUPS Series offers reliable power protection solutions for small and medium-sized businesses, ensuring continuous operation without interruptions. A detailed battery selection guide is provided in this blog.

Important Considerations in Battery Selection


Be certain to consider the following four factors when selecting a battery.


·         Energy vs. Power


In milliamperes per hour or amp hours, the capacity of a battery represents the discharge current it is capable of delivering continuously. This capacity determines the duration of the battery. Multiply the capacity in Ah of the battery by its voltage to determine its energy content in watt-hours.


·         Voltage


The electrode materials utilized also dictate the operating voltage of the battery, which is an additional crucial factor. The nominal voltages of lead acid, zinc carbon, and nickel metal hydride, which all utilize electrolytes based on water, vary between 1.2 and 2 V. In contrast, lithium-ion batteries employ organic electrolytes and possess nominal voltages ranging from 3.2 to 4 V.


·         Temperature Range


The temperature range of the application is contingent upon battery chemistry. Although alkaline cells experience a lesser capacity reduction than zinc-carbon cells, they still demonstrate a significant decline at these temperatures. Operating lithium primary batteries with an organic electrolyte at temperatures as low as -40° C/F results in substantial performance degradation. 




As time passes, the internal compounds of a battery degrade, and interaction decreases. You can ensure optimal performance, durability, and safety by selecting the appropriate battery for your device or application. Exide Battery UAE offers reliable automotive batteries, ensuring dependable performance and peace of mind for drivers across the region. To get the best battery, you may get in touch with Aest.


For more information, you can visit our website or call us at 050-4884364

Monday 8 April 2024

The Importance of Solar Panel Battery Storage for Residential Use

Solar PV panels and battery storage are a practical technological combination. PV panels generate electricity from sunlight. Solar power's immediate need to use all produced electricity to avoid power loss was a drawback. Modern solar panel and battery storage systems allow homeowners to put any extra power they generate beyond their immediate needs into long-term energy storage. There are several benefits to being able to store solar-generated electricity in a Solar Battery UAE

·         Lower power costs


Solar panels store excess solar energy for later use to avoid drawing power from an external source during off-peak hours or inclement weather. As a result, there is less demand on energy companies, which further lowers fuel bills. 


·         Supervision enhanced:


A solar power battery can be useful to reduce your dependence on the National Grid and other external energy providers. Now that you have a battery, you can control when to discharge its energy rather than relying on power outages caused by utilities. 


·         Living sustainably:


Sunlight can power your home, but what happens when the sun sets or clouds cover it? Battery storage lets your home use cleaner, solar-powered energy 24/7. You can continue to use a renewable energy source that is significantly less harmful to the environment and lessen your impact on the planet. 


·         Defence against potential price increases:


Numerous external factors contribute to the frequent increases in energy prices. Please make your own and have a plan to store extra energy when you need it to shield your family budget from power price hikes. 




The solar Li-Ion Battery UAE is one of the greatest innovations for any contemporary house. These batteries will keep improving to offer all the benefits above as long as research continues. The moment has come to install a solar power system on your property. For more information, contact AEST today. 


For more information, you can visit our website or call us at 050-4884364

Wednesday 20 March 2024

How To Install A UPS System Properly?

Every business with computers and electronics needs UPS. During power outages, backup power keeps your equipment running and protects data. The article shows how to install a plug-and-play UPS system in your facility. UPS specialists or suppliers should install hardwired Easy UPS Series systems. 

·         Determine your power needs


Establishing your facility's power needs is the first step in UPS installation. This includes counting and classifying UPS-connected devices and their power consumption. This information will help you choose a UPS system. 


·         Select the right UPS 


After determining your power needs, you can choose a UPS system for your facility. UPS gives offline, line-interactive, and online structures. Each kind has professionals and cons, so the high-quality one in your facility depends on your desires.


·         Set up UPS 


Physically installing UPS equipment is the next step. It is typical to mount the UPS and connect it to the power source and devices. Install according to the manufacturer's instructions and make secure connections. A UPS engineer will safely install a hardwired UPS system on site. 


·         UPS System Test 


After installing the UPS system, test it to make sure it works. This includes power-on self-tests and load tests to ensure the UPS can provide backup power. After installing hardwired UPS, a trained UPS specialist will test it. 


·         Perform regular upkeep 


Finally, your UPS system needs regular maintenance to work properly. Checking batteries, cleaning equipment, and monitoring UPS performance for issues are all part of this. 




Install a UPS to power your facility's electronics during outages. This article will help you install and configure your UPS system for backup power. Installing a UPS or protected power system requires an approved electrical APC UPS Distributor UAE, like Aest. The installer must follow local and national regulations and the supplier's instructions. 


For more information, you can visit our website or call us at 050-4884364

Monday 4 March 2024

How To Choose The Best Battery Distributor?

Are you searching for the best battery distributor? Choose the top battery distributor for high-quality products, reliable service, and great support. The right distributor can affect battery performance, longevity, and consumer, retailer, and business owner satisfaction. Important Sprinter Exide Batteries DistributorQatar evaluation factors: 

·         Product Quality and Variety: 


Find a distributor with many high-quality batteries from trusted brands. Look for automotive, marine, industrial, or consumer electronics batteries. A diverse product portfolio means a distributor can meet many needs. 


·         Standards and certifications: 


For quality assurance, check whether the distributor follows industry standards and certifications. ISO certifications and regulatory compliance are examples. Certifications show dedication to product quality and safety. 


·         Support and Technical Knowledge: 


Choose a distributor with knowledgeable, helpful staff. Choose distributors with technical support, troubleshooting advice, and application-specific product recommendations. A distributor with experienced staff can help you make decisions and resolve issues. 


·         Available Stock: 


Ensure the distributor has enough inventory to meet your needs quickly. Batteries must be available quickly for businesses with ongoing needs or tight deadlines. Check if the distributor has efficient logistics and inventory management to reduce lead times and ensure product availability. 


·         Customer Service and Communication: 


Assess the distributor's responsiveness, reliability, and communication channels. A distributor prioritizing customer satisfaction will quickly respond to inquiries, update orders, and address concerns. Review customer testimonials to assess the distributor's customer service. 


·         Pricing/Payment Terms: 


Compare distributor prices and payment terms to get the best deals. Consider bulk discounts, payment options, credit terms, and shipping costs when assessing value. Prioritise suppliers with competitive pricing and good service. 


·         Return policy and warranty: 


Read the distributor's warranty and return policies to know your options for faulty products. A reputable distributor should offer clear warranty terms, easy returns, and fast claims. Learn about warranty coverage, limitations, and return/exchange procedures. 




Choosing the best MarathonBattery distributor, like Aest, involves different considerations. You can ensure a positive experience and a reliable supply of high-quality batteries for your applications by evaluating these criteria and choosing a distributor that matches your needs and values. 


For more information, you can visit our website or call us at 050-4884364

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Points To Consider When Selecting Battery Distributor Online

It is not easy to decide which battery distributor is genuine. You may have to consider multiple factors before you make any decision.

  • When you search for a Sprinter Exide Batteries Distributor Qatar focus on your requirements
  • It is essential to consider selecting the right battery size and capacity
  • You may have to select a distributor depending on the frequency of orders placed


When it comes to requirements, you have to consider the specifications of the battery. Look at the technical specifications like capacity, size, and type.

You can look for genuine distributors like AEST Energy online. If the distributor is genuine, you get the best choice to select from.


It is essential to research the battery options before you purchase. It is also best if you research the distributors available. They may not have the same market reputation.

You can begin with review sites online. Customer feedback will make a difference. Check with distributors who are accredited and hold a very positive reputation.

Quality and reliability

When it comes to selecting Li-Ion battery UAE you have to trust the reliability and quality. These are two important features only a good distributor will have.

Focus on the service quality you will get when you place your order. You have to check with durability and performance factors as well. When you are looking for battery distributors then it is a wise decision to focus on a particular brand. 

This will ensure that you don’t compromise with the quality you select. When making your choice, also focus on the support team and after-sales service.

For more information, you can visit our website or call us at 050-4884364

What Are The Benefits Of Solar Batteries?

A solar battery, as used in solar power. It is an electrical accumulator used in solar energy installations to store the electrical energy p...